You godless, free-thinking, super-smart atheists need to listen up.

I’m going to help you out.


No joke.

I’m going to tell you how to avoid a catastrophic error.

An error that makes your already insipid worldview even more stupid.

It’s an easy fix.

It will be painless too.

Here’s all you have to do:

Embrace Mono-New York-ism.
(the belief that there is only one New York City)

If you asked 1000 people to describe New York City…

…you would get 1000 different descriptions.

Some would cite population statistics.

Some would give historical facts.

Some would sing a song or paint a picture.

Some would be completely wrong about everything.

It would be unreasonable to expect a single person to accurately describe New York.

It would be insane to say,

“If New York actually exists, everybody would agree about how to describe it.”

But this is EXACTLY what you super-smart, free-thinking atheists do with “God”.

You think it’s clever to ask, “Which God do you believe in?”

It’s a dumb question to ask of Christians.

Christians are not polytheists.

You’re taking advantage of weak-minded Christians who can’t think clearly.

They get flustered.

I don’t.

When you ask me, “Which God is real?”…

…I’ll ask you, “Which New York is real?”


Different descriptions of New York have no bearing on whether or not the city exists.

Even though there are billions of differing ideas about it, there is only one New York City.

Different religious doctrines have no bearing on whether or not God exists.

Even though billions of theists have differing opinions, there is only one “God”.

Smirking and shaking your head doesn’t falsify any of these statements.

Don’t worry.

After you drop the “which god” question…

…your “non-religion” will still contain plenty of irrationalities to comfort you.

Just don’t think too hard about stuff.

You gonna keep lurking forever or are you gonna join this exclusive clique?
Stop procrastinating. Click This.

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205 Responses

    1. Tell me, Jasmine, do you believe in invisible intangible beings that live in an alternate dimension from where they can answer your telepathic pleas for help with magic?
      If so, then you are very likely the one with a mental illness of some description.

      If not , then you are quite likely an atheist and simply haven’t plucked up the courage to admit it yet.

  1. Maybe you really should post a “conversion” story sometime…

    Tell your readers about how God waved a magic wand over your head and–poof–you became a Christian! The Baptists (or other “pray to receive Jesus” fundamentalists) might be offended if you mock their concept of switch-flip salvation. I’m not sure you’ve covered it before.

    1. Maybe I will sometime…

      I’ll reference the swarm (flock?) of angels that swooped down and carried to the top of a mountain where God was seated on a golden throne. The Almighty cracked open my skull and poured ‘The Truth’ directly into my brain. I’ve never questioned anything since that day…

      You think Ark will like that?

      1. …he’ll like it if you include the part about how you’ve been a mentally unstable child-abuser ever since.

        1. And it won’t occur to him that he’s accepting the testimony of an admitted mentally unstable person as truth…

  2. Yes,I remember that conversation, now.
    You denied Yahweh back then, too.
    This was the most pertinent part of that entire thread.
    It still holds true …

    Amanda, you are not well.
    And I mean this without any sarcasm or one swear word at all.
    In truth, you need professional help, and there are quite a number of people who have been where you are who may well be following this thread who will be nodding their heads in agreement.

    1. Even though billions of theists have differing opinions, there is only one “God”.

      This is from the article.
      It is the truth.
      Refusing to acknowledge the truth doesn’t change reality.
      You’re still losing, Doug.

          1. Gee, I dunno, John.
            What exactly is the reason you continue to post such blather?

          2. I love it!
            You need me to answer your questions for you.
            I gotcha covered, Doug.

          3. Just curious why you continue to post such blather?
            You certainly aren’t promoting your god and you certainly aren’t writing anything humorous, so what exactly is the reason for your blog posts?

            And I really would be interested to read your testimonial.
            Someone with your mind, the reason you sought your god must be a fascinating read.

          4. I already know you’re fascinated, Doug.
            I’m pretty sure you think about me every day.
            When you’re not here, you’re on other blogs talking me (negatively, of course).
            It’s possible you are my biggest fan!

          1. And again …
            You have never once engaged at a level that remotely demonstrates
            that you actually comprehend the seriousness of your problem.
            Let’s remind ourselves, you consider David Wood to be someone to look up to .
            And here you are desperately tying to justify your personal interpretation of a god, Yahweh, that millions accept as a given.

            You are so chronically indoctrinated you are not aware of how ill you truly are.
            That is quite sad.

          2. Buddy?
            I don’t think so…. I really don’t.
            If you got professional help you would quickly understand the nature of your illness. And then maybe you could help your father?

          3. I’m starting to think you’re going to keep talking, no matter what I say…

          4. While it would be dishonest of me to say I am massively concerned whether you or not you ever deconvert, I can say that in truth I do feel some sympathy for you and especially your children with regard the illness you suffer from.

  3. That’s as far as you know, because you’re being willfully ignorant. There is not a god found in the Old Testament named Yahweh. And I definitely do not worship a god, as described by you. (Nobody else in history has ever worshiped the god of the Old Testament as understood and described by you.)

    Are you referring to the fact there were no vowels in the good ole days? 🙂

    Do you prefer the term Tetragrammaton

    YHWH in Latin script, is the four-letter Biblical name of the God of Israel.

    The ”God” of Israel is the same god you worship YHWH.
    …. or Yahweh.

    Also found in the Pentateuch.
    The Pentateuch is Historical Fiction, myth , story, or to use your dad’s word … blather.

      1. As you consider my interpretation of your god … or ‘God’ is incorrect and Yahweh or YHWH is not the god you worship then please tell me which ”God” it is you do worship if not the ”God” of the the Old Testament?

          1. Yes,I remember that conversation, now.
            You denied Yahweh back then, too.
            This was the most pertinent part of that entire thread.
            It still holds true …

            Amanda, you are not well.
            And I mean this without any sarcasm or one swear word at all.
            In truth, you need professional help, and there are quite a number of people who have been where you are who may well be following this thread who will be nodding their heads in agreement.

          1. I thought I had already explained.
            the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.
            “he refuses to face reality”
            synonyms: the real world, real life, actuality; More
            the state or quality of having existence or substance.
            “youth, when death has no reality”

            So,basically nothing that includes your god, Yahweh.

          2. Excellent.
            Who determines “the state of things as they actually exist”?

  4. My faith is now firmly rooted in whatever you say.

    Then give up this nonsense, pick up thy mat and walk away.
    Reality is so much more fun.

          1. Ah …. Yes, sorry, I forget sometimes that you being an indoctrinated convert, your goal in life is to demonstrate that your version of reality actually includes supernatural deities who walk on water and come back from the dead.

            Could you explain how the god you worship is part of proper reality?
            Perhaps you could give examples of how you communicate or invoke him .. sorry, Him, right? .. to cure the sick?
            Oh, and I really am interested what it was that made you feel the crushing need to confess and submit to the Christian god.
            How did he get you of the booze or drugs or whatever it was?
            Do you have a post anywhere on your blog that gives details of your conversion/testimony?
            I’d be very interested to read it.

          2. Ah…Yes, sorry, I forgot that your goal in life is to demonstrate that “religion” only means supernatural deities who walk on water.

            Could you explain what you mean by “proper reality”? This time, without the useless blather please.

            Off you go…

          3. “I forget sometimes…that your version of reality actually includes supernatural deities who walk on water and come back from the dead.” –Ark

            (No, he doesn’t ever forget that. He thinks about it constantly. 🙂 Completely obsessed.)

          4. True.
            My question was about religion, not deities.

            He’s oblivious to the reality that religion does not equal God.

          5. NOTHING equals God.

            If he spent a half second trying to wrap his pea-brain around that concept, it might be enough humility for a breakthrough.

          6. For example: A reality that does not require belief/faith in a deity called Yahweh … the one you believe in.

          7. Reality does not require belief/faith in any deity. You’re truly dazzling me with philosophical nimbleness!

    1. LOL

      You’re a powerful intellect, Doug! Powerful!!!
      We theists are terrified by your arguments!

      1. Terrified? What a decidedly odd thing to say?
        Your own religion has been and still is used to terrify.
        Look at yourself, for goodness sake.
        You are even commanded to fear your god, Yahweh.
        It’s right there in the fictitious nonsense of the Old Testament.

        I am surprised that you are not thoroughly bemused by your own credulity.
        That you, an adult, have allowed yourself to be willfully indoctrinated is quite baffling.
        And you have also added your immediate tribe to your circle of influence.
        Or was it the other way around and you were led by the hand by a family member and told to pray to Yahweh for forgiveness of your sins?

        Perhaps you truly have fooled yourself that belief in the god Yahweh and his human alter ego will wash away all your cares in his sacrificial blood and all those issues you had/still have(?) with booze, drugs etc?

        It must be such a comfort.
        Lying to oneself often enough probably numbs the senses does it?
        Seems to be doing a ”fine” job on you, JB

        We can see it by your own immense intellect.

        1. I’m cowering, Doug!
          I’m trembling under my bed!
          You are exactly right about everything! EVERYTHING!

          You’ve pulled off my mask and exposed my religion!

          I AM UNDONE!


          1. Faith does not require evidence. This is why you can happily believe in the god Yahweh.
            I am interested, though, exactly when you decided to believe and accept the ”promise” that your sins -whatever they were/are would be forgiven?

            Did you call out his name or visit a church or something similar?
            Or was it an encounter with a pastor?

            Were you so steeped in debauchery or ”sin” or some other self -destructive behaviour that religion was the only course of action you felt you could take?

            I don’t recall reading your own personal testimony so I am sure it would be fascinating.

          2. I now worship you, Doug!
            My faith is now firmly rooted in whatever you say.

  5. Monotheism is the belief in one god.
    Christians believe in Yahweh.
    Yahweh is only found in the Old Testament
    The Pentateuch is historical fiction.

    1. Fascinating!
      I’ve never heard you say this before!

      What do you mean by “historical fiction”?
      (It shouldn’t take longer than 9 hours to get a definition out of you…)

      1. Oh, for the love of sanity, somebody just tell Ark NO… Christians do not worship “Yahweh.” In fact, no one in all of history has worshiped “Yahweh,” as he understands it. (Nobody in history has ever worshiped a fictional caricature of “god.”) He’s wrong–as always.

        And I’m tired of him.

          1. I can go back through old comments and find the dozen places we’ve already discussed Historical Fiction with Ark, if you’d like?

          1. If I show you an Atheist who says Atheism is a religion, will you believe it?

        1. So you do not consider this person – a Calvinist – a True Christian.
          I thought you have been ranting on that a monotheist believes there is only one god? Okay, then if you do not worship Yahweh which god do you worship, Amanda?


          2. I asked you one, short, simple question, and you can’t even stay on topic long enough to answer.
            “Which god” is still a stupid question. I do not worship “a god.”

            Please, for the love of God, stop asking.

        2. So if you do not worship a god but according to you rather believe in the God, and yet,still according to you, do not worship your ”God” Yahweh, which ”God” do you worship then?

          1. You’re still asking the same asinine question, you’re just capitalizing one of the letters… And you still haven’t answered which New York City you accept.

            Which new york city do you accept?

        3. The is only one New York City as far as I recall?

          So, if we accept the premise that there is only One God …. your god.
          Is this god …. God not Yahweh?

          If you do not worship Yahweh, as you are at pains to tell me, then:
          A) Who is the god of the Old Testament,claimed to be responsible for Adam and Eve etc ?
          B)What is the name of the ”God” that you do worship?

          1. Nope. “God” is not equal to your “Yahweh.”

            He’s known by many names–including Frank.

            No matter what I (or anyone) says about God, you will reject him. And no matter what name/description YOU give him, I will reject it the same way. Your understanding of God isn’t based in reality.

        4. Okay, so while over 2 billion Christians consider that the god of Christianity and Judaism and Islam(though they give him a different name) is the Abrahamic god, Yahweh, you do not consider Yahweh to be the Christian god.
          And even if we accept the premise that there is only one god who is also known as ”God” by you lot, you still point blank refuse to acknowledge this to be the god, God.(also known as Yahweh)
          So, are you making this up as you go along or are you rejecting the Old Testament god,Yahweh, just as Marcion did?

          1. You’ll never find another Christian who “worships” your “Yahweh.” Not one.

        5. You’ll never find another Christian who “worships” your “Yahweh.” Not one.

          I already posted a link to a Calvinist chap who states right there on his blog that Christians worship Yahweh.

          Go read it again.
          Ask him what he means.
          Or try to correct him and see what he says.
          I’d be interested to hear his response. But so far, it seems you are simply wrong. About most things regarding such topics, in fact.
          But I’ve known this for quite some time. Perhaps it’s the indoctrination you suffer from?

          1. That Calvinist doesn’t worship your Yahweh. (Or, if I missed the part where he said, “I and other Christians worship Yahweh, as described by Ark’s reading of the Old Testament” please tell me what paragraph it’s in.)

        6. Here y’go. Second paragraph.

          Jews and Christians worship the same God; Muslims do not.

          Jews and Christians worship = Yahweh.

          So, once more …Christians worship Yahweh.
          So you are either mistaken or not quite the Christian you thought you were, now are you, Amanda?

          1. “Siri, where can I find Elmo-themed plates for a birthday party?”

            Siri: “St. Elmo is a ghost town in Chaffee County, Colorado, United States.”

          2. No, Siri, I don’t want to talk about SAINT Elmo… I want to know–

            Siri: “St. Elmo was founded in 1880 and sits at an elevation of 9,961 feet.”

            No, that’s not–

            Siri: “Yes it is! Yes it is! Yes it is! Are you denying that St. Elmo was founded in 1880?”


        7. As far as I am aware there is only one Yahweh.
          The god found in the Old Testament.
          The one you worship.
          Is there another?
          Do you worship a different Yahweh to other Christians, Amanda?

          1. That’s as far as you know, because you’re being willfully ignorant. There is not a god found in the Old Testament named Yahweh. And I definitely do not worship a god, as described by you. (Nobody else in history has ever worshiped the god of the Old Testament as understood and described by you.)

          2. He’s not gotten back with me about what is “proper reality”. That’s an open invitation to describe his version of the truth…curious that he’s avoiding it.

          3. If by “curious” you mean “completely unsurprising,” then yes.

            He’s going to spend the rest of his miserable life focusing on the differences between Calvinism and Islam–for absolutely no reason.

          4. By “curious” I mean “completely unsurprising”.

            He’s terrified to explain what he believes so he spends all his time assigning cartoon beliefs to other people. I don’t recall him EVER stating any beliefs outright. His entire worldview is a negation. It’s literally ‘nothing’.

          1. Sorry, JB. It is most definitely historical fiction.
            Try again and maybe use your intellect a little this time?

            Off you go ….

    1. monotheism
      the doctrine or belief that there is only one God.

      How’s that, Jasmine?

        1. Belief that there is only one god does not mean that there is only one god.

          However, if for argument’s sake we accept this premise, then this solitary one-and-only god you refer to is Yahweh, obviously.
          Yahweh is only found in the Old Testament.
          The Pentateuch is historical fiction.

      1. THAT’S RIGHT!
        Good grief. It took all day!

        Do you finally understand why asking “which god” is stupid or do you need to ask about Yahweh a million more times?

        1. Not in the least.

          There are many gods.

          Christians believe in one of them, the Abrahamic god, Yahweh.
          Yahweh is only found in the Old Testament and the Pentateuch is historical fiction.

          Do you finally understand why it was important to ask ”which god” you believe in?

  6. Now, do monotheists believe in a “created god”, or the uncreated “God”?

    Monotheists, Christians, believe in Yahweh. Do you believe this god is created or uncreated, Matthew?

    1. Last response for the evening, here.
      I believe that God is the uncreated Creator of the universe.

  7. Oh, I am sure she is smarter than I am.
    I am simply asking if you accept that the god of the Old Testament, Yahweh, is the god Christians believe in?

    Well…. do you?

      1. Atheism is simply the absence of belief on gods.

        Belief in any god, especially considering the total absence of verifiable evidence would seem to be the likely position to be a ”mental condition” surely?

        1. That’s the funniest thing about you, Ark. Evidence is everywhere if you wanted to see it. But you don’t want evidence. You want your own specific, tailored brand of evidence that meets your requirements for what proof YOU want to see. That’s not evidence. That’s ego.

          Someone who trusts in the finiteness of their own mortal, capable of any imagined figment, delusional, insignificant brain to dictate reality to them is indeed, suffering from a mental illness.

          1. Evidence of your god is everywhere? Really?
            My goodness! Then please , Jasmine, point out the verifiable evidence for your god, Yahweh.
            I do not deal in proofs, so you do not have to work that hard on my account.
            Evidence will do just fine, thanks.

          2. You are like a blind man screaming at people, “show me proof the world exists! If I can’t see it, I won’t believe it!” The only thing arguing with you does is make me look as foolish as you do.

      2. You’ve missed it Jasmine. Ark is a polytheist now. He said “there are many gods to choose from.” himself.

        1. Acknowledging there are many gods to choose from does not mean that that one is necessarily a polytheist or that one believes they exist, merely that human religion has created a multitude of deities.

          The early Israelites, for example, were polytheist.

          1. There you have it Ark, you’ve defined “created god” for me.
            Now, do monotheists believe in a “created god”, or the uncreated “God”?

  8. Do you accept Holly Golightly’s New York?

    Have no idea what this is.
    Do you believe in Yahweh yes or no?

        1. That’s not what you said because you’re afraid to admit it. Which New York do you believe in?

          1. One cannot beleive IN a city.
            Do you accept that Yahweh is the god of Christianity?

          2. Sounding a little bit manic there, Amanda.

            So, Do you believe in the god Yahweh yes or no?

          3. I can’t have a conversation with someone who doesn’t think New York exists. That’s just insane.

          4. I believe in Holly Golightly’s New York.
            I also believe in Donald Trump’s New York.

          5. I did not say New York does not exist.

            So, Yahweh, as mentioned in the Old Testament and is generally regarded as the god Christians believe in.
            Do you accept this definition?

          6. Doug,
            She’s smarter than you.
            Please stop commenting because I’m starting to feel embarrassed for you.

  9. @ Amanda

    …He struggles with the difference between “Monotheism” and “Christianity.”

    Monotheism in Christianity
    Christians believe in one God, the God of Abraham, just as members of the Jewish faith and Muslim faith do. Indeed, these three ancient religions all stem from the covenant that God made with Abraham, causing the many similarities that we can identify amongst the three religions today.

    Do you accept this explanation?

    1. Oh–I see the problem! You think we’re talking about “Monotheism in Christianity.”

      The topic isn’t “How Christians describe New York City.”

      It’s just “New York City.”

      Hope that clears it up.

          1. To you, maybe. All the same, do you accept the god of the old testament Yahweh? Yes or no?

          2. I will NOT have a conversation about “Yahweh” with you, in a thread about Monotheism.
            It’s not going to happen. (And you should know by now that I mean what I say.) BEST case scenario for you is that I’ll go back to ignoring you.

            Which New York City do you accept?

          3. So you do or do not accept that Yahweh is the Christian god?
            Surely you are not afraid to answer such a question?

          4. I’m afraid of boring everyone with 400 comments that aren’t on topic.

            Why are you asking about the Christian god (and using a lowercase letter), when we’re talking about Monotheism? What does it have to do with the post about New York City?

      1. John asked me to comment on this thread as he refused to answer the question on the other thread.
        So, I am asking the question here.
        Do you accept that the Christian god is Yahweh?
        Surely this is not such a difficult question, even for you?

    1. I feel confident you will have to learn what the term atheist means before you ask that question, Jasmine.


        Here’s a link for you, Jasmine. Just to aid you along. I found these paragraphs to be intriguing.

        ““Atheism” is typically defined in terms of “theism”. Theism, in turn, is best understood as a proposition—something that is either true or false. It is often defined as “the belief that God exists”, but here “belief” means “something believed”. It refers to the propositional content of belief, not to the attitude or psychological state of believing. This is why it makes sense to say that theism is true or false and to argue for or against theism. If, however, “atheism” is defined in terms of theism and theism is the proposition that God exists and not the psychological condition of believing that there is a God, then it follows that atheism is not the absence of the psychological condition of believing that God exists (more on this below). The “a-” in “atheism” must be understood as negation instead of absence, as “not” instead of “without”. Therefore, in philosophy at least, atheism should be construed as the proposition that God does not exist (or, more broadly, the proposition that there are no gods).
        This definition has the added virtue of making atheism a direct answer to one of the most important metaphysical questions in philosophy of religion, namely, “Is there a God?” There are only two possible direct answers to this question: “yes”, which is theism, and “no”, which is atheism. Answers like “I don’t know”, “no one knows”, “I don’t care”, “an affirmative answer has never been established”, or “the question is meaningless” are not direct answers to this question.”

        1. Correct, Matthew. Atheism is the position that there are no gods, a-theism
          This is based upon the evidence thus far presented which does not warrant belief.

          However, if you feel you have evidence that makes a better case for any particular god, then please present it.

          1. “Therefore, in philosophy at least, atheism should be construed as the proposition that God does not exist (or, more broadly, the proposition that there are no gods).” You are dealing with monotheists, here, so you should stick with the first part; the proposition that God does not exist (since you are the atheist). You can do some homework on what theists mean by “God”.
            Now, I imagine (since you are talking to monotheists) that you have devoted yourself to the proposition that God does not exist; so what are the philosophical implications of such a proposition? I’ll give you a hint of what implications I want answered:
            Does evil exist? If death is inevitable, what is our purpose in life? Have you seen anything come from nothing? Can we actually reach infinity?
            What evidence do you have for such implications?

          2. Monotheists in this case are those that believe in the Abrahamic god Yahweh.
            This the starting point.
            If you have evidence that Yahweh exists then let’s deal with this point first.
            And bear in mind that Yahweh is only found in the Pentateuch which is generally recognised theses days as historical fiction.

          3. Ark, you have espoused the proposition that God does not exist. ( Or you at least said that I was correct when I gave the philosophical definition.)
            So, what do you think monotheists mean when they say “God”? Notice, there is no adjective relating to a pronoun- like “Abrahamic”.
            Also, does evil exist? If death is inevitable, what is our purpose in life? Have you seen anything come from nothing? Can we reach infinity? What evidence do you have to back your answers?

        2. So, what do you think monotheists mean when they say “God”? Notice, there is no adjective relating to a pronoun- like “Abrahamic”.

          The deity Yahweh.
          And this is the deity we have yet to establish evidence for. And I remind you that he is only found in the Pentateuch and this is regarded as historical fiction.
          So if you have evidence, as you seem to be alluding to, then please present it, then, if you are still keen, we can move on.

          1. I still want to know how much you understand the monotheistic view. Under the monotheistic view, is “God” created?

          2. Matthew: I just asked my cat that question. He stared at me and walked away. This is a more intelligent response than Ark will give.

          3. Matt: You’ve lost him. He can’t get away from Yahweh. Maybe ask him what he thinks “New York” means.

            Doug: Why are you still saying stuff when you’ve admitted you have no argument?

        3. Sorry Mathew, I understand where you want to take this thread but we have to reach agreement on which god it is monotheists – Christians, Jews and Muslims worship.
          This is the god Yahweh.

          So if we can agree on this point then we can move forward.

          1. “…which god it is monotheists – Christians, Jews and Muslims worship.”
            “Which” implies to choose “one” out of “more than one” choices. Now, do you think that monotheists believe in multiple “gods”?

        4. I think you are now being a little obtuse Matthew.

          It may be my fault in the way I have posed the question but I don’t think it really changes it to the point you don’t understand what I am asking.
          So let me narrow it down for you.
          Christians believe in the god Yahweh.

          And once again, please bear in mind he is only found in the Pentateuch which is generally regarded these days as historical fiction.

          Do you have any evidence for this god?

          1. “Christians believe in the god…”
            Now, you are equating monotheistic view of what “God” is with a polytheistic idea of what “gods” are. Do you believe that monotheists believe in multiple “gods” or one true “God”? What do you think monotheists mean when they say “God”?

        5. We seem to be struggling with terminology.
          and we are yet to establish which god it is Christians believe in.

          The first question we need to get out of the way before we can proceed is this:
          Do you accept that Christians believe in the god,Yahweh?

          1. *wiping tears of laughter from eyes*

            This is exactly why I wanted you to comment here!

          2. “We seem to be struggling with terminology.
            and we are yet to establish which god it is Christians believe in.”
            Again, Ark, “which” implies a choice of one among many. Do you think that monotheists believe that “God” is just one of many “gods” to choose from?

        6. There are many gods to choose from.
          Monotheists believe in one god.
          Christians are monotheists.
          Do you accept that Christians believe in the god, Yahweh?

          1. “There are many gods to choose from.”
            So you are, in fact, a polytheist. I’m glad that you’ve ditched atheism already.
            Now, what do monotheists mean when they say that they believe in “God”?

        7. Now, what do monotheists mean when they say that they believe in “God”?

          Muslims refer to Allah
          Jews and Christians refer to Yahweh.

          Do you accept this?

          1. I’m actually more interested that you said “there are many gods to choose from”. What made you convert from atheism to polytheism?
            Furthermore, I am concerned that your polytheism is causing your struggle with understanding what monotheists mean when they say “God”.

          2. Poor Ark… He struggles with the difference between “Monotheism” and “Christianity.”
            (We had the same trouble last year, when I tried to help him understand “Deism.” He just kept repeating “Yahweh” over and over–even after I told him that I’d never once used the name “Yahweh” in a prayer.)

        8. When monotheists – and in this case Christians – say ”God” they refer to Yahweh.
          Do you accept this, Matthew?

          1. When monotheists- and in this case, Christians, say “God”- do they view “God” as a created or uncreated being?

        9. Let’s establish the god that Christians believe in first, please.
          Do you accept that Yahweh is the god Christians believe in? Yes or no?

          1. Do you think monotheists- and in this case, Christians- view “Yahweh” as the being who is uncreated?

        10. Do you think monotheists- and in this case, Christians- view “Yahweh” as the being who is uncreated?

          We first need to establish if you agree that Yahweh is the god that Christians worship?

          1. You have the order of necessity wrong. I need to know what you mean by “Yahweh” before I can accurately answer your question.

        11. Yahweh, as mentioned in the Old Testament and who is generally regarded as the god Christians believe in.
          Do you accept this definition?

          1. Sorry, in school, so I will have some momentary delays.
            “Yahweh…the god…”.
            Now, I know that a polytheist like yourself is convinced of “there are many gods to choose from”- and thereby has a concept of “gods”.
            But do you understand what monotheists mean by “God”?

        12. @Matthew

          But do you understand what monotheists mean by “God”?

          It is my understanding that monotheists, in this context Jews, Christians and Muslims, consider Yahweh to be the god they worship.

          Do you agree with this statement?

          1. What do you think are the differences among Christians, Jews, and Muslims?

        13. There are numerous differences. Anything specific you were referring to?

          Do you acknowledge that Yahweh is the Christian god, yes or no?

          1. Please tell me all the differences that you acknowledge among Jews, Muslims, and Christians.
            What is a “Christian god”? Christians aren’t polytheists, remember.

        14. I am aware that Christians are monotheists, as are Jews and Muslims.
          They all worship the Abrahamic god Yahweh, found in the Old Testament.
          Do you agree with this statement?

          1. You say that you are aware that Christians are monotheists, yet claim that Christians worship a “god”. I’m not sure that you know what monotheists mean by “God”.

        15. Those that believe in the Abrahamic god, Yahweh, believe there is only one god.
          Do you agree with this statement?

        16. The Pentateuch is regarded as historical fiction.
          Yahweh is found in the Pentateuch.
          Christians worship Yahweh.
          Do you accept this statement?

          1. Do you think that Christians worship a created “god” or do Christians worship “God”?

        17. I should add, Matthew that I am baffled as to why you seem very reluctant to answer whether or not you consider Yahweh to be the god Christians worship?
          Do you have a specific problem with this? If you do, why not simply spell it out?

          1. My problem is that you aren’t clarifying terms. Why do you refrain from asking “Do Christians worship the true, uncreated God?” ?

          1. Could you define what atheists are denying when they say “God does not exist.”?

          1. They don’t.
            Christians do not worship Yahweh.
            Your theology is about 3000 years out of date.

        18. I do not say that gods do not exist. I am an atheist. I do not believe in gods based on the evidence thus far presented.
          As I asked earlier, I acknowledge that Christians are monotheists that believe in the god Yahweh. If you have evidence for this god you worship then please, present it.

          1. “I do not say that gods do not exist. I am an atheist.” So you are both a polytheist and an atheist? How does that work?

        19. No, I am an atheist.
          As by default we seem to have arrived at the point where it would be accurate to say that Christians worship Yahweh how do feel that the Pentateuch is regarded as historical fiction?

          1. “As by default…” That is YOUR default, isn’t it? “Christians worship Yahweh how do you feel that the Pentateuch is regarded as historical fiction?” You are a one-trick pony, as far as your questions go.
            Now, what do Christians believe?
            Do they believe in “the true uncreated God”?
            Does evil exist?
            If death is inevitable, what is our purpose in life?
            Have you seen anything come from nothing?
            Is it possible to reach infinity?
            What evidence do you have for your answers?

            I have classes, I won’t be able to respond for the rest of the evening. Have a good day Ark. I hope I come back to see some sincere answers, not mere replies.

          2. Ark,

            Most of the Great Books are fiction yet they contain entire universes of wisdom.

      2. If everyone is required to learn what the term “atheist” means, why don’t you require yourself to learn what God means?

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