“Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. 23 But when your eye is unhealthy, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!”

Matthew 6:22

One of my favorite American disasters is “tolerance”.

Specifically, our tolerance of religious quackery.

The “non-religious” folks are guilty of perpetrating their share of superstitious hocus.

Here’s some that came from an enlightened humanist.

As a rational thinker, I believe in the equality of all humans here on earth, that all faith-based systems hold equal weight (they are the imaginations of humankind, created to explain the explainable and form divisions among societies), and that we are all bound for the same destiny, which is back to nature.

I’m suspicious when you tell me you are a “rational thinker”.

Do you lack confidence in your dialogue to lead me to that conclusion?

Using just the evidence of your thoughts, I might think you’re irrational?

You didn’t have a strong start when you said, “I believe in the equality of all humans here on earth…

Obviously, this is not true.

Humans are different sizes, genders, colors, ages, nationalities, and have differing capacities for rational thought.

There are no rational standards by which all humans are equal.

Unless you are referring to something spiritual like…


…that’s not it because “all faith-based systems hold equal weight (they are the imaginations of humankind…)”

Congrats, though!

You have constructed a flawless specimen of a “self-defeating statement”.

If ALL faith-based systems are equal that includes your faith in rational thought.

Yes, indeed!

Rationality isn’t something that can be measured, tested or proven.

Trusting that your mind is reasoning correctly is an act of pure faith.

Your statement, “…we are all bound for the same destiny, which is back to nature…”

That isn’t rational thought either.

It’s faith-based guessing.

Which, as you said yourself…

…comes from your imagination…

…is equal to all other faith-based systems…

…and forms divisions in society.

I’m pointing out these errors so you’ll be able to spot them yourself in the future.

You can’t just tell me you’re a rational thinker.

You’ve gotta provide some evidence.

You gonna keep lurking forever or are you gonna join this exclusive clique?
Stop procrastinating. Click This.

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32 Responses

  1. There is only one way in which atheists can claim equality of any kind among people- whether between races, genders, classes, etc. Under atheism we ARE all equal, because we are all of equal value- because on atheism, NOTHING has value. Everything is the unplanned, accidental result of a mysterious burst of cosmic flatulence, billions of years ago. Eventually even nature will die as the universe undergoes a heat death and becomes darkness and coldness. Surely, in the light of atheism, all men and women are equal in the sense that they are a worthless accident which means less to the timeline of the universe than a burp in an eating contest.
    This is one of the tenets of atheism.
    Atheists hate their own tenets because they are so obviously false.
    This is why most atheists are heretics.
    They already recognize that MOST of atheism, even to themselves, is OBVIOUSLY wrong and stupid. That’s why they constantly steal morals and values from Christianity- because otherwise, what would they see when they look at the face of someone they love? What would they have to admit about the love of those who love them? Biochemical reactions predetermined by DNA which results, not from any choice, but laws of nature? On atheism, “I love you” is no different than, “I’m hungry,” or, “I farted.”
    Atheism is too horrible and stupid for most atheists. Some of them just don’t understand that yet.
    What you do here, JB, is an act of love to those atheists, to open their eyes to the truth, so that the truth may set them free. What you do in making fun of atheism is a kindness to those enslaved by it.
    God bless you.

  2. The main problem here is not this person’s (in your mind) inability to express themselves, but rather your belief that you have somehow scored a point for Christians. (I was going to write god-believers, but then all gods aren’t equal, are they JB?)

    Rather than always trying to demonstrate the weakness of the ”other side”, why not defend your belief by providing the verifiable evidence you seem to think you have?

    It would save you a lot of time and effort and the point would be much more effective.
    That way, you could concentrate on the humour that is the focus of your day job.

    As the central tenet of your faith is the physical bodily resurrection of the biblical character Jesus the Nazarene why don’t you ( or Amanda) run a post or series of posts explaining exactly why this is a genuine historical fact and provide the evidence to back up your assertions?

    It would be great to read a new take on this biblical event and one I am sure you are very familiar with.

    1. “Rather than always trying to demonstrate the weakness of the ”other side”, why not defend your belief by providing the verifiable evidence you seem to think you have?”
      So great to have you back, Dig-Dig!
      Repeating the exact same statements day after day believing you’ve scored a point for anti-theism.

      “…why don’t you ( or Amanda) run a post or series of posts explaining exactly why [the resurrection] is a genuine historical fact…”
      Yeah! That’s never been tried before! Nobody has ever presented a historical case for the resurrection!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

      You can be the poster-boy for fundamentalism. You’re the Ying to Ken Hamm’s Yang!

      1. Oh, I know it has been presented. A lot. And every one has been a god almighty Fail.
        I was just hoping that maybe you or your erstwhile sidekick could provide us with the real lowdown on what happened that Easter Weekend?
        I mean, everyone knows that when it comes to Jesus you are the Man with the Plan.

        Come on, JB, don’t be shy. Tell us what really happened.

          1. Oh, don’t be a meany- you obviously didn’t become a Christian on a whim, and thus I am almost positive you must have studied and studied and … well, you get the picture, I’m sure?
            Medication would cloud the judgment, wouldn’t it?
            Me take Meds?
            *Smile* Yes, quite ….
            Didn’t you once dabble in such mind-expanding substances?
            That was before you allowed Jesus to come into you, of course.

            So go on. Be a sport. You are always up to defend the ethics and morality issue and killing babies and wotnot, so let’s see you have a real scholarly non comedic sans bullshit go at defending the one tenet that your entire worldview rests upon:

            The Resurrection of the biblical character Jesus the Nazarene.. Come on Johnny boy, strap on a pair as you Americans are wont to say. Your fans are waiting with baited breath …

            Me too, and I am not even a fan.

          2. Your doctor has a firmer grasp on reality than you do. That’s why you faithfully swallow the pills prescribed. Doc says you’ve got some screws loose but a dose of lithium, ativan, prozac…whatever… will “fix” you. Make you right as rain! That’s what they tell you anyway.

            I’m happy to answer any questions your doctor asks me about the resurrection. Your doctor can then write you a prescription that will enable you to comprehend the answer.

            If your doctor doesn’t think it’s important to know about the resurrection, then you shouldn’t either. Trust the doctor! He’s smarter than you!

          3. The last doctor I consulted was one at the local gen after my left leg swelled because of a spider bite and I suspected there may have been a clot.

            Your (obvious) familiarity with the more psychological side of things suggests extensive medical experience with the more relevant drugs.
            Is that direct personal experience or merely from family member(s)?

            So obviously you do not feel in the least-ways confident to tackle the historical nature of the Resurrection.
            Would you say, then that, in the absence of verifiable evidence your belief is based solely on faith?

          4. Sorry. I don’t trust your thinking any more than you do.

            I will only answer questions from your doctor.
            Go take pictures of bugs.

          5. Ah, two more comments.

            Think he’ll write a full dozen before he remembers I always mean what I say?

          6. He might.
            Conversing with the atheist horde is unsatisfying. He’s attracted to the order and meaning he finds here.

          7. Tee-hee.
            There are only so many empty “I’m so happy for you”s a group of warm bodies can throw at each other, I guess. 🙂

            I really don’t blame them for wanting to spend as much time as possible reading and writing about God–before they kick the bucket and spend eternity away from him.

          8. Conversing with the atheist horde is unsatisfying. He’s attracted to the order and meaning he finds here.

            Obviously your god is imparting nothing of real meaning for you, and this would explain your incessant need to find answers by leaving endless comments on blogs such as Nan’s and Gary’s would it?

  3. Rational: based on or in accordance with reason or logic.

    synonyms: logical, reasoned, well-reasoned, sensible, reasonable, cogent, coherent, intelligent, wise, judicious, sagacious, astute, shrewd, perceptive, enlightened, clear-eyed, clear-sighted, common-sensical, common-sense, well advised, well grounded, sound, sober, prudent, circumspect, politic;

    With those definitions in mind, it is rational for a humanist and atheist to believe that there are no gods, super humans, angels, fairies, devils or a Satan without any clear evidence, don’t you think?

    It is rational for a humanist and atheist to treat all people equal, that means without discrimination, (is that is a standard you do not understand) and if you do not believe that any gods exist, to simply treat all religions as imaginations, don’t you think?

    It is also rational for a humanist and atheist considering the above to expect to die and become part of nature don’t you think?

    You would have to be completely irrational or s____d to not understand a simple statement or be completely bored to think you have created some sort of religious quackery and superstitious hocus from it.

    1. “It is rational for a humanist and atheist to treat all people equal, that means without discrimination…”

      No. That is not “rational”.
      Look at your own definition, genius.
      Then, for once in your life, be rational.

    2. The most rational position would be treating all people as equally WORTHLESS, like the warm sacks of chemicals produced by random chance that they are.

      It does NOT make “rational” sense to treat humans as equally important, valuable, or otherwise meaningful.

      …unless The Universe programmed you to believe humans are equally valuable, for a purpose. (But that starts to sound scarily like religion, so you better reject that possibility!)

          1. So he is no longer in a coma? Good for him! That is excellent news. I am happy for you and your family.

          2. Me too! I’m ready for a challenge.
            Nothing substantial will ever come from the drug-addled brain of Douglas.

            I will only answer questions that come from Ark’s doctor. He has faith in whoever is prescribing his meds so whatever the doctor says about Jesus, he’ll believe.

          3. Is there something called Attention-Seeking Disorder?

            Are there meds for it?

            I may have a recommendation for Ark’s doctor. 🙂

          4. Without question we all crave attention but I don’t think it’s a “disorder”. It is perfectly normal.

            It’s also “normal” to rebel against God. The mistake is thinking your doctor can prescribe something that will keep you from going crazy.

          5. Not everyone posts the same banal comments over and over and over, just to feel like they’re interacting with SOMEONE.

            But, yes, point taken. We’re more than chemicals. All of us are products of our choices. Grandpa and Ark have made theirs.

          6. Your question seemed odd under the circumstances. I just wanted to qualify your own position, that’s all.
            I mean why would you wonder why I was happy about him coming out of a coma?

          7. No, it didn’t seem odd at all. Your only goal in all of these conversations is to keep them going as long as possible, so you don’t have to be alone with your thoughts for too long. I’m not going to play along.

            Grandpa is still going to die. You are going to die, too. If you’re “happy” just because it probably won’t be TODAY, then you should ask yourself why…

            I will not entertain your empty declarations of “happiness” any more because it’s probably just your Happy Pills talking. If you weren’t medicated, you might recognize that “happiness” is overrated.

            I’m finished responding to you on this thread. But, if you can’t handle being ignored–and you certainly can’t handle honest introspection–then feel free to keep trying to get a response–any response!–to feel like you matter for a second. It’s what my grandpa would do, if he had a computer! Spend all day trying desperately to get attention from strangers, by leaving dozens and dozens of pointless comments.

          8. You do have a fixation about me taking drugs for some reason?
            I am going to take a flyer that this is some sort of projection based on your previous (ongoing?) psychological problems.
            I must confess that I did smoke dope once, but nothing happened so I decided it was a waste of time and by extension money.
            I’ve taken ABs on occasion and once I needed quite strong painkillers after a bike accident many moons ago.That’s about it, I’m afraid.

            I do not consider me expressing being happy that your grandfather is out of his coma empty in the least.
            Maybe a phrase such as , ”That’s good to hear,” would have been more suitable?

            My late brother went into a coma after a car accident when he was 18 from which he died. So I do have some personal experience in this regard.
            While not knowing the history between your family members your attitude sounds a bit callous.

            What your god has to do with this episode is baffling.

    3. “It is rational for a humanist and atheist to treat all people equal, that means without discrimination …”

      If this is so, then it is interesting that so many atheists do very much discriminate against people of faith; thus they demonstrate that they are irrational.

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