The greatest evil ever foisted on mankind is Untruth.

Falsehood never results in joy.

Falsehood always brings darkness, suffering, and death.

But not right away!

You tolerate untruth because it kills you slowly.

Lies are not lobotomies.

They’re a slow growing cancer that gradually turns your mind to mush.

Every day that you keep lies in your head…

…you get a little more stupid.

In my opinion, Fundamentalists are the stupidest people on Earth.

Fundamentalist is the term I used to describe someone who refuses to question their own beliefs.

Fundamentalists are immune to science, logic, and reason.

This recent conversation with a Fundamentalist will serve nicely as an example.

I asked for ‘clear Scientific Evidence’ that is contrary to scripture.

You gave me vague scripture references.

I cannot answer whether or not I would ‘believe the bible over science and evidence’ until you tell me what evidence you mean!


That is a faith statement.

I would be super-interested in seeing the scientific evidence that disproves the Genesis flood!

Yes! That is exactly the way the burden of proof works.

Sadly, your Fundamentalist’s brain thinks I’m the one who made a claim.

I’ve just asked for scientific evidence.

Here are some examples of claims:

Science disproves the flood.

Science disproves creation, resurrection from the dead, floating axe heads, and talking donkeys.

Stay with me now…this might be difficult to understand…

I can’t provide evidence for claims I haven’t made.

However, I’m a charitable chap so I’ll go ahead and offer a little science anyway.

And this is where we’ll leave the conversation.

If splitting headaches are your idea of fun, you can read the entire exchange here.

I want to close this post with a plea to my Christian brothers and sisters.

Do Not Be Fundamentalists!

Fundamentalism is untruth pretending to be knowledge.

Fundamentalism is an impregnable fortress of stubbornness.

When you spend all your time demanding that other people ‘prove you wrong’…

…be uneasy.

Wise people spend their time making sure they’re right.

When evidence indicates that you’re wrong…

…change your mind.

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9 Responses

  1. My initial statement….

    ”And religious fundamentalism is often based on lies … and liars help to promote these lies as truth.”

    The geological record refutes the claims of a young earth and young earth creationism.

    You can research anything you need I am sure?

    1. “The geological record refutes the claims of a young earth and young earth creationism.”
      This is not evidence. It’s yet another statement of your faith.

      1. It is a statement of fact.
        You can do the research yourself, surely?
        If you find the statement to be false please come let me know.

      1. Hell for example.
        Creationism for another.

        How many do you think you would need for the point to be driven home?

        1. By far my favorite fundamentalist is you, Diggity-Dug-Dug
          You are so very fond of evidence, give us some!
          Evidence of Christian lies…should be a simple task.

          (I’m gonna wager that you ain’t got any evidence of lies but that won’t stop you from responding with another fanatical faith statement.)

          1. You didn’t provide a scintilla of evidence demonstrating that ‘creationism’ or ‘hell’ to be lies.

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