A few thoughts for myself in response to the blog I wrote previously. I hurt some people’s feelings. That was not my intention but that’s no excuse. The church has corrected me and I need to stand contrite. I was not meek. I was not humble. My fellow brothers and sisters in Christ reminded me that I’m a terrible imitator of God.

You are a fool, John Branyan. Shooting off your big mouth has gotten you into trouble. I would suggest you pay attention to your brothers and sisters in Christ. The Christians are reaching out. They’re holding you accountable. Don’t be so stubborn that you refuse to listen!

You’re not funny and your thoughts are bad.

John, comedy isn’t your thing peaches, maybe go to counseling and fix that gigantic beam in your eyes before creating harmful, disrespectful content and picking out the specks in someone else’s eyes.

You and your crap attitude is the reason SO MANY FREAKING PEOPLE LEAVE THE CHURCH.

 This CLOWN does NOT speak for Jesus (CLEARLY) or any person that truly follows Christ.

John Branyan you are shameful and you DO NOT speak on behalf of the Church. Pharisee.

John Branyan you’re literally the definition of a tool. Why don’t you just Worry about yourself, and your own life.

You’re a disgrace to the Christian world! You are judge mental in every way and it’s disgusting! 

John Branyan you are legit the worst. Your actions and words couldn’t be any further from Christ like. Probably a good thing I’m on the opposite side of the country.

There are hundreds of similar comments. Hundreds! That many people can’t be wrong. The Holy Spirit is communicating through them. God is talking and the message is clear: You’re not a good person, John Branyan. You’re not smart. You’re not kind. You’re not funny. You’re a tool. You’re a selfish, sanctimonious tool. You deserve to suffer. You deserve death.

But if a righteous person turns from their righteousness and commits sin and does the same detestable things the wicked person does, will they live? None of the righteous things that person has done will be remembered. Because of the unfaithfulness they are guilty of and because of the sins they have committed, they will die.

Ezekiel 18:24

The problem, John, is your tone. You are irreverent, disrespectful, and condescending. That’s uncalled for. It is not helpful. You took a beautiful outpouring of love and support – and ruined it. Hundreds of people reached out in love to one of God’s hurting children and you mocked them. Shame! SHAME! You deserve every insult they throw at you. Now you know how it feels to be attacked. This is a taste of your own medicine. I pray you’ll grow from this, but I’m not counting on it.

You think you know Jesus but you don’t. Not the real Jesus. Yours is a warped, twisted gospel that is the opposite of the real Jesus. Read your Bible! Pray! Ask God to forgive your sinful heart! You’re a sickening disgrace who only cares about himself. Your phony religion is like that of the Pharisees. You puff yourself up. You think you’re so smart. You have no grace. You have no love. You’re an empty, whitewashed tomb. You are the worst person who has ever lived. You’re nothing like Jesus.

Learn about the real Jesus and then be like him. You’re going to fail because you’re a tool, but try anyway. Your blog is hurting people. You are the reason people quit going to church! You are driving people away from Jesus! If you can’t do a better job of imitating Jesus, just get out. Leave the church. I’ll hold the door for you! Everyone will be better off without you. Nobody wants you here. Shove off!

I’m serious, John. Your ugly hatred has no place in the Kingdom of God. You can’t speak truth with grace and love so shut your mouth. Better yet, go away! Take down your blog. Shrivel up and die. Leave the Christians alone. They’re only trying to love each other. You are making that very difficult. These are good people and you don’t belong with them. You are not worthy of their company. Not even close.

I’m hoping this makes you feel terrible. I’m hoping you feel sad. It serves you right. Know that whatever you’re feeling is just a fraction of what you’ve caused others to feel. You’re a monster. A grotesque, disgusting creature. The church is ashamed of you. Jesus is ashamed of you too. Sorry if that hurts but I’m only telling you the truth.

In all sincerity, if anyone is aware of any of my other faults that need to be mentioned, PLEASE put them in the comment section. I’ve been upset and depressed all night but I’m feeling better now that the sun is up. I need my fellow Christians to remind me that I suck.

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52 Responses

  1. I know this couldn’t have been easy, but it is very refreshing to have someone point out their flaws. I honestly didn’t take offense to the first post but even if I had you would’ve attained for it with this post.

  2. You apologized to the church, and to the Christians, and to the internet. You shamed yourself. Basically most of that was shaming yourself for being a heartless and cruel, cold and disconnected person, which is exactly what I commented on your previous post. You took this great big stage and you said your piece. You got backlash. You responded in the only way that seemed appropriate. I guess my only question is though, did you apologize to Jon?

  3. I just read your original post that created such a stir. This former pastor’s testimony is nothing but powerless blame-shifting and self-pity nonsense. It’s just hard to read these things and not groan. I do pray and hope these people find the truth that will set them free. But it’s a case in point for how far our “Christian” culture has moved away from actually following Christ to naval-gazing, social coddling that enables every selfish whim we can imagine. I hope we will realize some day that all of these first-world problems go away when we surrender everything to Christ. The sad reality is, we will never realize the benefits and joy of resurrection life until we die to such narcissistic tendencies.

  4. John, if this is a true telling, I am happy to hear it. As you know, I have tried to enter into respectful dialogue with you about this issue. However, I am also aware that it was written after one of you gigs at a local University was cancelled due to your outspoken hate speech. If only your response was before this, I would have an easier time accepting this as true contrition and humility. Unfortunately, it was the hit to your pocket that caused you to rethink. Still, even if it is that, I continue to pray for/with you and others who have written on your blog. And, I don’t know if you have done it, but an apology to Jon is in order, and to the church you have thrown into turmoil with your unconsidered words. The blessing of Christ to you brother.

    1. Don’t spread gossip.
      This post was written BEFORE he was notified that the gig was cancelled. And, your use of the term “hate speech” is your own addition.

      I would say more, but the Holy Spirit is telling me it would NOT be gracious toward you.
      I will add that your “blessing” is worth nothing, though.

      1. mrsmcmommy, I am sorry you feel that way. Thank you for the correction, I was told the timeline was different. Yes, hate speech was my phrase, I never said anything different. If you read through all of my comments, you will see that I have been nothing but respectful as we have all discussed this, so I am surprised by your reaction to me. However, according to your accounting, if my blessing is worth nothing, then neither is the apology, which I do no believe is true. We have to find ways to talk about these things without being so cruel to each other. You and I have different theologies, but we follow the same God of Love. As Christians we are called to do better – and I am trying to do that by speaking with honestly and with grace. I do not appreciate the threatening nature of your words.

        1. “Unfortunately, it was the hit to your pocketbook that caused you to rethink.” –The Reverend

          That is an absolute judgment of a person’s heart, based on gossip you believed about them. Yes, I have read all of your comments, and we clearly have a different opinion about what “respect” looks like. I don’t think it’s respectful to tell a person you suspect the heartfelt pain they’re experiencing is just from loss of money–ESPECIALLY based on something you heard from somewhere else.
          So, you are the one who owes JOHN BRANYAN an apology. And, no, “I’m sorry you feel that way,” is not an apology.

          1. mrsmcmommy, I spoke on what I perceived to be good faith information. When you corrected me, I thanked you for the correction and recognized my error. What more do you want from me. It was not gossip, as I live in the community that has been affected by this, and was told by someone in contact with the university (as I am connected there). You do not. So you do not know who my sources are. And you make all these accusations against me, speaking about your father’s “heartfelt pain”, but he also never apologized for the pain he caused to people who love and know Jon (a person he admitted to not even knowing). I still don’t understand why you are reacting so aggressively to me. I know that you are protecting your father, but I am protecting my friend. It is not all that different. And now, you attack me, which I have never done to you. Again, we are called to be and do better. We are both people of faith and can speak to each other as such – even in our differences.

          2. Wow.
            Just wow.

            I told you what I wanted, and you’re unwilling to give it. So we’re done here.
            Enjoy the world you live in where everything you say is “respectful” and everything other people say is “attacking.”

          3. The timing of his post with the timing of his show’s cancellation is questionable. My sister-in-law works there and has also said they cancelled because of his post. Like many others have pointed out, I too am curious if he managed to directly apologize to the man he originally attacked, or if his apology was only posted here, where he gets lots of generated clicks and interactions (and his daughter can post links to her own blog fifteen hundred times, not even being subtle about her goals).

          4. This post was published at 9:00 am, Eastern Time. The call from the Catholic Diocese which filed the contract with John Branyan Comedy came at noon.

            Another post will be forthcoming, which will let everyone see this entire saga from John Branyan’s perspective.

            The gossip between church people is unsurprising but disappointing.

      2. Mrsmcmommy, I understand this is your dad but please. This isn’t about you? You’re vindictive and spiteful and looking at this entire situation with hate in your heart. I mean reading your responses literally makes my head retract into my body. It makes me cringe. It isn’t from Jesus. People attacked your father because he chose to act on his right to free speech and let the world know how he felt about someone else letting the world know how they felt.

        He wove his message without wit but with cruel comments. If he’s trying to clean up his mess, let him. You’re not making it any easier for him.

        1. Amen @ Yikes.

          McMuffinmommy, you do come off as angry, vindictive and a little troll like. Hoping you can disconnect and take a break.

          1. I’m one of the admins of this page, so I’m not sure how to sound less like a troll on a page I run…

            I only come off as angry to people who are in the habit of judging heart motives rather than words.

            If you were the one who were being judged (and gaslit) by a “Reverend,” what would you say? My childhood abuser taught me to always take responsibility when another person is upset with me, but my therapist says that’s unhealthy.

            Should I tell everyone I’ve been respectful over and over and over until it’s magically true, like the Reverend?

          2. Here’s how….You should manage the site as the admin. Perhaps even enforce rules (if there are any). Doing more than that puts the troll image out there.

  5. I hope your self-flagellation does not because it is not warranted. I was truly saddened by all responses to your post. The hypocrisy seemed lost on them to treat you worse than what you had done in speaking truth. It’s brings to mind a couple thoughts Lord, Lord look what we have done in your name… I never knew you. There is a way that seems right unto man and it leads only to death. Keep up the good fight.

    1. of course I left out words I need to proofread better.” self-flagellation does not go on too long” should be inserted into the above.

  6. Nah John, you’re pretty cool. You have skills and talents people really need to see. Besides, everybody serves an important and vital purpose in God’s kingdom, even talking donkeys and singing stones. The Christian pig pile, the shaming, the inability we have to love people who we don’t fully understand, who we don’t always agree with, really is a big part of why people leave the church.

    But hey, as long as you’re taking complaints, you said, “The Holy Spirit is communicating through them.” Don’t do that. Don’t joke about the Holy Spirit that way. He is not the accuser of the brethren. That’s the other guy. My sheep know my voice.

  7. Years ago (over 30 to be more precise) I walked into my very first AA meeting. Then there were men and women with good sobriety who weren’t afraid to call “bull dunky” when I was feeling sorry for myself, when I felt slighted or neglected, and when I strayed toward a cocky sense of accomplishment. That “brutal” honesty probably accounted as much or more for continued success at staying sober as the warm, forgiving, accepting love I felt on the first few weeks. In the Church, we definitely need love and compassion, but we still need truth, even if it has to come from a humorous yet pointed perspective. Perhaps the reason we have seen so much compromise and drifting in the Church is because our pulpits have become soft and coddling, rather than convicting and truthful.

    1. Thank you for this testimony, Chet. I’ve heard a similar story from many, many, many mature Christians, who have been through intense discipline, and they’re better for it.
      The weak ones have no way to understand, though.

    2. I don’t think it’s “perhaps.” Your observation of modern pulpits and the affect on the Church is spot on!

  8. You are very funny! What a bunch of babies.
    God uses sarcasm in His word. Apparently they can’t discern that. Truth can sting. You deliver it with a helping of humor.
    Don’t listen to the ninnies.
    If you stop being the way you are, I will be very disappointed.
    Keep on keepin on

  9. John, you don’t suck. You’re only human. Our ability to say what’s on our minds (good, bad or ugly) is no longer heard by only the people we tell it to in personal conversation. Now, everything gets to be heard by a lot of people because we feel as if what we have to say is good and important, so we post it to social media and whatnot. Instead, we come to find out that what we said or reposted ended up offending someone or a lot of people. That’s a mistake everyone is trying to iron out. Right, wrong or indifferent, get up and brush it off your shoulders. This is a new day. The sun is shining. Make a positive, intentional change wherever you need to change, and you’ll see a better you emerge, and rather quickly.

  10. Am I reading the same blog these people read? I’m confused. I thought your most recent letter to the worship pastor was spot on. It was humorous. But, totally serious at the same time. Jesus had no patience with the Pharisees. They were the original “whitewashed tombs”.

    1. I think they were wearing “different” glasses when they read it. 😜

      They need a new prescription, bifocals with Bible truth and a reality check. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  11. Oh my. I am so sorry that your fellow “christians” felt the need to attack you in this way. Its so disheartening. No matter what you said or did.

  12. Dear John,

    I cry when I read Jeremiah, and I cry in the same way reading the abuse, misunderstanding, refusal to listen and insults hurled at you – for similar reasons.

    Keep on, for you are among the most blessed of God’s children.

    The Sermon on the Mount was for you. Those who hurl insults at you for doing what is right, for being a voice crying out in the wilderness, they are the same ones who spat on Christ and His prophets. You are not Christ, of course, but you are clearly His Child. If people from church are adding their shouts joined with the pagans, then clearly they don’t know the Christian Faith.

    I can’t wait to read your book; beloved of God, funny, loving-sinners, prophet John.

    With prayers for you and your loved ones.

  13. I’ve been corrected by the Lord and it has always been gentle and often hilarious. And his correction has always left me corrected … in a good way. These voices sound like the accuser to me. Lord, help me gather every evil word spoken against your son and help me bring them to the cross to be destroyed. Wash your child clean. Heal the hurts and bring all that he is into alignment with your will and word. And in Jesus’ name, I send every evil spirit attached to those words to your feet for judgement.

    1. Susan! You get it! I totally agree with you in this Prayer. And I know John has been toying around the edges with suggesting suicide, and I get what you’re saying (and it’s still going over their heads) but in Jesus’ name I rebuke the spirit of suicide over John, his family and his whole community.


      1. John hasn’t been saying that… I’ve been saying it, to try and shock these people out of their stupor.
        They rally around the Fallen Worship Leader because he’s “broken” and “struggling,” but it doesn’t occur to them that EVERYONE struggles with something. It may not be suicide, specifically. But they don’t seem to have compassion for anyone except the mentally ill, so that’s the example I used.

  14. You’re my new hero! I missed the other article. All I can think of by that “worship leader” is….you’ll know them by their fruits”. (no pun intended, the Bible said it, not me)

  15. “I’m hoping this makes you feel terrible. I’m hoping you feel sad. It serves you right.” – Wow. This person writes something like this and claims to know Christ? I may not always agree with you John but I don’t believe saying something like that to someone is following the teachings of Christ. The “modern” church seems to want to pick and choose their Gospel and only see what serves their “modern” view of the world. I am truly sorry these people are saying these things to you.

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