My target audience for this article is Christians who boarded the “Trump Train” back in 2016 thinking it would take them to where America was great again.

Other people would start this article with, “I hate to say I told you so,” but it would be dishonest for me to do that. I LOVE to say, “I told you so.” Being right about things feels great! If you disagree, then I’ll bet you’ve never been right about anything so you don’t know how it feels. If you know how it feels to be right, then you’re being a hypocrite when you criticize me for admitting it feels good to be exactly, undeniably, absolutely – right.

Before you accuse me of Trump Derangement Syndrome, you need to know I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. I think Trump was an exceptional leader and one of the best Presidents we’ve ever had. And get this, I’m not even upset about Trump’s personal flaws. He’s vulgar, impolite, arrogant, and obnoxious and NONE of that bothers me even a little bit. Please understand, this article IS NOT a criticism of Donald J. Trump! This article is a criticism of YOU.

Starting way back in 2016, when you evangelicals were finding your seats on the Trump Train, I was gently reminding you that Christians shouldn’t put their faith in anyone other that Christ. I cautioned you about elevating politics over faith. I warned you about making the GOP equal with GOD. And you ignored me.

Countless MAGA Minions preach that Donald Trump has been raised up as an instrument of God, like Esther, “for such a time as this.” Fevered voices echo the same desperate sentiment. The 2020 election is THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION OF ALL TIME!! Christian influencers rush…

…to light a fire under the Christian community that we must turn out at the polls like never before or life as we know it will end and persecution of Christians…will likely begin.

Just one example of how we’re doomed without Trump

Now, as the Trump team begins transitioning the Biden administration into the Oval Office, I’m going to say, just one more time, “I told you so.”

You would like to speak up about voter fraud right now, but you can’t. Your radical Pro-Trump bias invalidates anything you say about justice or integrity. Nobody believes you when you claim to care about the country. You have aligned yourself with “Team Trump” and alienated everyone else. Objecting to the dubious election results now seems like sour grapes. You’re just mad because your guy lost.

Prepare to be mocked and ridiculed by the Biden worshipers. Their god is on top for the moment so they have won the right to jeer at you. They will relish your bitter tears of defeat. They will savor your suffering.

Trump lost the election. Your god has forsaken you.

But…do not despair! Every defeat is an opportunity to grow in wisdom. In every disappointment there is a lesson. Your ride on the Trump Train has not been a waste of time…unless you learn nothing from it.

For Such A Time As This

When Mordecai told Esther that God had raised her up “for such a time as this,” he also gave her a solemn warning:

“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish.”

Esther 4:14

If Donald Trump is indeed “God’s chosen instrument” as you have said, then he is not God’s ONLY chosen instrument. God always has options. It was a mistake for Esther to think God was relying on her. It was a mistake for you to think God was relying on Trump. Don’t make the same mistake again.

Joe Biden is also God’s instrument. Corruption and wickedness do not thwart The Almighty. If you believe the Democrats can “steal the election” without God’s approval, you are wrong. God has called Joe Biden for such a time as this.

Does that worry you?

If it does, you’re making the same mistake you made with Trump. You’re putting your faith in the wrong place. Your hope is not American politics. Life was not breathed into you by politicians.

I told you this when Trump got elected but you were too busy mocking Democrats to listen. The President answers to God. Trump could not make America great. And Biden cannot ruin America. The Lord decides when nations rise and fall.

Learn this lesson and four years from now you can join me in experiencing the exhilaration of saying, “I told you so!”

I’m probably going to be writing a similar article in January to the Christians who voted for Biden. They will be crowing about looking forward to perpetual happiness now that Trump is gone and the Biden/Harris administration is bringing “healing” and “unity.” That’s assuming, of course, that God doesn’t decide to leave Trump in office for another term…

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6 Responses

  1. I agree with you on this one, John. You have put into words what I have been trying to get across to many people over the last 4 years. I don’t understand this cult like worship of Trump, especially among Christians.

    1. Equally disturbing is the cult like hatred of Trump among Christians who used him as justification for voting pro-choice democrats into office. Voting for Biden simply because Trump is awful is still idolatry.

      1. Idolatry? That does not even come close to meeting that definition. Idolatry is the cult like worshitp of Trump even among Christians. I am talking about the ones who make the claim that “God put Trump in place for ‘such a time as this’. Yet never once said that about Obama nor will they ever say it about Biden.
        What about the people who used their hatred of Clinton as justification for voting for Trump?

        1. Idolatry is voting for candidates that support legalized murder of children even among Christians. There is no justification for cult-like worship of Trump. And Donald Trump’s awfulness does not make it okay to elect pro-abortion alternatives.

          1. Voting for a candidate you don’t like is not idolatry. Idolatry is the worship of something or someone other than God.
            BTW- I did some looking a month or so ago and found that the fight against abortion is being won. The number of abortion performed in the US has dropped every year since 1990. Every single year. The number of abortions are now back down to the same level as the year before Roe V Wade.
            Phil Vischer put out a video not long ago that prompted me to look at the numbers. If you haven’t seen it, you should…

          2. Whether or not I ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ a candidate should not be a factor in my voting decision. Candidates are selected because of their policies. I didn’t vote for Trump because I thought he was a swell guy. I voted for him because he is pro-life.

            Worship of self is idolatry. When a mother chooses to end her child’s life it is NOT because God is occupying first place in her life.

            If the number of abortions per year drops to zero, that doesn’t change the fact that believing women have the ‘right to choose abortion’ is wickedness. Murder should always be illegal even in places where there haven’t been any murders.

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