I Don’t Like Christianity

 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:15 I don’t like Christianity. Not all of it, anyway. There are good parts like the Son of God coming down from Heaven and taking the blame […]

Three Ways Pagans Turn Christians Off

Apparently, Christians do a lot of things to drive pagans away from Jesus.

Well…pagans do a lot of things to drive Christians away from themselves.

Christian Shop Owner Justifies Killing Looters by Thinking Of Them As Fetuses.

A Christian business owner says he feels no remorse for terminating the lives of several looters in his shop because he doesn’t think of them as people. Raymond Merch, who owns ‘Kingdom Come – Bakery and Pizzaria,’ testifies that pro-choice politics rescued him from poverty and despair. “I just wasn’t ready for looters in my […]

A Christian Pays Tribute to A Women’s Rights Activist

Hey Pkarlgh – Whenever a Christian tells you to support women’s rights you should probably put on some headphones and crank up some music, or white noise. I suggest you start wearing headphones all the time because Christians spew inane rhetoric with alarming frequency. Listen in while we take a Christian entertainer to task for […]

A Christian Pays Tribute to A Women’s Rights Activist

Hey Pkarlgh – Whenever a Christian tells you to support women’s rights you should probably put on some headphones and crank up some music, or white noise. I suggest you start wearing headphones all the time because Christians spew inane rhetoric with alarming frequency. Listen in while we take a Christian entertainer to task for […]

CHRISTIANS: Do You Support Abusing Children?

This is a post intended for Christians only. If your worldview is not shaped by biblical ethics, skip this article. You’re not going to understand anything in the following paragraphs and I don’t want to deal with your ignorant comments. Do us BOTH a small favor and move along.

Have you canceled your Netflix subscription yet?

I understand if you forgot. Maybe you don’t use the service and your subscription is for someone else in the family. Or maybe you get all your information from media sources that lean more left than the Tower of Pisa in a mirror. If that’s the case, here is a review that more closely aligns with your religious convictions (which, again, are shaped by ‘Christianity’.)

For the record, I canceled my Netflix subscription without watching the film, “Cuties.” I’ve seen enough clips and read enough reviews to be confident in declaring the film exploitative. To be specific, it abuses children.

God expects us to imitate Him. He tells us, straight up, “Be holy as I am holy.” We don’t let Christianity affect our lifestyle anymore. Christians have allowed false religions to corrupt our efforts to be holy. We’ve subconsciously rewritten God’s commandment as, “Be tolerant as I am tolerant.” That’s why you still have a Netflix subscription…(more)

Tantrums and Crazy Advice for Christians

What is normal behavior for a 4-year old? The Peaches and I discuss how normal 4-year old children are typically feral beasts. When you don’t teach your feral beasts how to be civilized, they grow up to become confused adults that don’t know how to vote. That’s right! Then, they might write crazy articles about […]

No Tantrums and Hopeless Christianity

There are 2/3 fewer children than normally in the background and somehow the chaos increased! The Peaches and I discuss how to teach kids not to grow up to be angry brats. And I read a convoluted article that tells us Christians shouldn’t vote but they should run for office (and this is not a […]

No Tantrums and Hopeless Christianity

There are 2/3 fewer children than normally in the background and somehow the chaos increased! The Peaches and I discuss how to teach kids not to grow up to be angry brats. And I read a convoluted article that tells us Christians shouldn’t vote but they should run for office (and this is not a […]

Kanye and Mentally Ill Christians

After I say goodbye to the lil’ kids, I want to talk about Kanye West and his bi-polarism. The Peaches tells me not to call it bi-polarism because it makes me sound dumb. I’m convinced that mental illness has a negative impact on a Christian testimony but Amanda kind of disagrees. The Peaches then confesses […]


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